Lucien Bombardier Pace

The race will be held on Sunday, October 5th, 2025

To be qualify to Lucien Bombardier Pace, nomination fee of $300 CND is payable NO LATER THAN MAY 15, 2025.

There is no supplemental fee if the nomination has been omitted by the closing date of nomination payment.

Nomination fee (300$) is payable by cheque (in Canadian dollars) made out to Standardbred Canada and must be submitted to :

Standardbred Canada
a/s Stakes Department
2150 Meadowvale Blvd
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5N 6R6

The starting fee of $500 CND is payable in cash or by cheque (in Canadian dollars) made out to Quebec Jockey Club to the race secretary at Hippodrome 3R racetrack prior one hour before the start of the race.


Link for the payment of the starting fee : upcoming


The advertised purse for the event will be $15,000 ($5,483 will be contributed by Standardbred Canada $9,517 by Quebec Jockey Club).

All nomination and starting fees will be added to the purse.

For more information, please see these sections :